Volendam, Edam und Marken
Hier in het Duitse tekst – Just north of Amsterdam, are some picturesque villages along the shores of the former Zuiderzee. After a severe flooding in 1916 an enclosing dike was built, turning this former inland sea into a huge fresh water lake. This had mayor consequences for the local fishermen, reducing their fishing activities. Nevertheless, these former fishing villages will still remind you of their maritime traditions. Stroll along dikes and harbors with your guide and get a taste of their unique past. Marken is a picturesque island, now a days connected with the mainland. You will also visit Edam, which was famous for it’s cheese market.
your own bus or car
4 Stunden
25 / Abhängig von der Größe des Busses oder Autos
Fahren Sie mit dem Boot von Volendam nach Marken
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